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Charter Flights to Mytilene, Greece from the UK

Why Mytilene?

  • Direct flights from London Gatwick.
  • Book with confidence - ATOL protected

Charter Flights to Mytilene, Greece from the UK

Charter flights to Mytilene from the UK run mainly to provide transport for package holidays, excess seats are sold off on a flight only basis. The cost of these seats is usually cheap when compared to scheduled flights. Charter airlines can offer these Mytilene cheap flights by offering more restricted services than the major scheduled or low cost airlines.


Direct flights to Mytilene/Mytilini/Mitilini take 4 hours from the UK so you could be on the beautiful island of Lesvos (Lesbos) quicker than you think this summer. Mytilene is an amazing city full of life and surprises, and if you are someone with a long history of Greece, it may remind you of Athens in the fifties. Mytilene is built upon seven hills and is full of history; it is perhaps the most culturally enlightened city in Greece, and therefore offers museums full of interesting remnants. In the summertime the castle is used for performances of travelling groups of musicians, theatre, opera and art festivals. The waterfront comes alive with traffic by 8am and stays that way until just after 1pm when the stores close and everyone heads for a siesta. But by the early evening the city is alive again with activity. The marketplace is one of the most active in Greece with shops of every variety. This is not your typical quiet Greek island village, but it is certainly a very entertaining place. If you are wanting to fly to Mytilene then you can search and book you flights right here.

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